
The collapse of pet rocks

Oh my.

That's it. Copper has been turned into gold. The philosophical stone has been found.
It looks like gold smells like gold and has the same properties of gold industry wise.
Everything computer and phones manufacturers need in gold is present in the new creation.
And I have heard copper was not as expensive as shiny pet rocks.
Also, electricity is required to do this, but I heard China did not have too many issues on that aspect.

Not much to say really... Supply skyrockets or demand drops whatever way you want to see it.
There is still the demand of unsophisticated investors but why would that rise?
If all stay the same and the industry demand drops, price drops with it.
I see it doing a full retrace to somewhere around 800 bucks. Maybe more.
Not trading this of course, not going to hold a trade 3 years.
Once it drops thought, could be interesting to buy during a crash for the long term (3-6 months)

