Barrick Gold Corporation

Barrick Gold is oversold

It looks like Barrick Gold (GOLD) is oversold on the ytd trend channel, rsi & volume ema. The metal gold 11800/OZ, hasn't been this cheap since July. I know with all the hoopla about bitcoin being a hedge on inflation, I will not be surprised if GOLD makes a U-turn in the next few weeks / month and starts gaining significant value again. I guess we'll see. I picked up some $23 long calls out of speculation. Do your own due diligence, your risk is 100% your responsibility. You win some or you learn some. Consider being charitable with some of your profit to help humankind. Small incremental steps work : If you double a penny for a month it = $5,368,709. Good luck and happy trading friends...

*3x lucky 7s of trading 101*

7pt Trading compass:
Price action, entry/exit
Volume average/direction
Trend, patterns, momentum
Newsworthy current events
Revenue & Earnings
Debt / Cash
Book value, assets

7 Common mistakes:
+5% portfolio trades
Bad risk management
Emotions & Opinions
FOMO : bad timing
Lack of planning & discipline
Forgetting restraint
Obdurate repetitive errors

7 Important tools:
Trading View app!, Brokerage UI
Accurate indicators & settings
Wide screen monitor/s
Trading log (pencil & graph paper)
Big organized desk
Reading books, playing chess
Sorted watch-list

Checkout my indicators:
Fibonacci VIP - volume
Fibonacci MA7 - price
pi RSI - trend momentum

TradingView links:
Impressive delta:theta ratio of 26:1
I wound up turning this into a calendar spread strangle for risk management. Equal ratios of 12/422.5puts with 12/1823calls.
break even was triggered on contracts liquidated calendar spread strangle 12/422.5put-12/1823call for $111 a piece. I'll revisit another day during regular hours.
GOLD$22-23strangle12/18 contracts
closed at 9:33am
Re - entered at 2:43am with a 24straddle12/18

