Little resistence until gold gets above $1800 -- lots of challanges to break through $1850 with anticipated choppy trading through to $1950 where we may break out again with blue skies.
I am calling the bottom being in on March the 8th ($1683 Up $58 to $1744) and we are heading up likely this week March 22-26 into the $1800-$1850 zone and looking for the catalyst to break through what might otherwise be a consolidation period of a few weeks before moving up into $2000 and above in late April / May. A failure to break-through the $1774-$1785 zone this week could form a short term triple top.
As always, the macro news will likely dictate the direction with gold, i suggest the inflation has occured and real value for assets take time to adjust so in this moment Gold and Silver present a marvellous buying opportunity, eventually the distortion will naturalise, ill be happy holding gold and silver bullion and stocks for this time and as such am a long term investor that looks for a strategy that will be successful just a matter of time and waiting it out.
The elite and those who heed the warning signs will be piling into gold as an inflation hedge as the looming monetary crisis likelyhood increases as the bubble of everything continues the warning signs abound.