Halliburton Company

Halliburton (HAL) still a strong buy; semi-long term swing sell

Oil continues to rise after the historic nadir that saw it trade negatively briefly. Oil giant Halliburton may never reach the trade levels it was at in 2018, but the company is due to rebound quickly as the industry does itself. A major manufacturer of the equipment, it is a mainstay and key oil stock if one wants to capitalize on the rebound overall of the entire industry.

While ideally, one has already acted here, while it was as low 4.50 per share, but it is currently trading in the 10.30s, and still is a must buy.

By December or perhaps by next summer, a full rebound to pre-pandemic prices should be assured at about a 250-300% ROI for investors buying right now. HAL is a play on the expectation normalcy does return, and it is already showing signs as of yesterday with pump prices increasing nationally. As more states open up, HAL will only benefit from the increase in travel, need for oil, and all the things that this world economy had been dependent upon pre-COVID. This pandemic did teach some lessons, and it also taught that even the most reliable markets are a lot more plastic than we had anticipated. But nothing is forever, and Halliburton is showing nothing but gains as the industry does so. At this point, a strong buy.

