8/12/24 :: VROCKSTAR :: HD Limited upside at $345. watching only
- we've seen the housing starts linger - rate cuts probably need 3-6 mo to drive inflection on build capex - HD remains excellent biz, but at nearly 27x PE (when you adj. for net debt), and flat EPS that's a tough one for me to stomach. - feels like this is sticky valuation for the fact that it's such a large cap and being supported by passive flows - "feels" to me like a good result gets trimmed/ right sized lower (by institutions) and a bad result is a tough one to buy esp w the macro backdrop. - at 4.5% fcf yield even with zero growth this looks better than cash (but honestly there's a lot of stuff that's large cap that does) which means the downside is probably not one of these wicked drawdowns we've been seeing on the sub $1 bn cap stuff. - i'd be interested in dip buy/ swing on a big enough drawdown or bad CC speech or w/e. - just don't see the upside r/r playing this to the long side into print