P&F Formation: Yearly Basis
Rounding Bottom: Monthly Basis
Vol. Consolidation/BreakOut. Price BreakOut
*With Upside, Trail SL*
*Book Profit as per Risk Appetite*
Demerged from HSIL in 2019. “Hindware” Brand.
Now operates under: Consumer Appliances / Building Products / Retails Business.
Network of 3100+ distribution partners / 35,000+ retail outlets for plastic pipes and fitting business.
Network of 750+ distributors / 9,650+ retail outlets across India in CA segment.
Products are also sold through ecommerce platforms / Presence across modern retail format stores
39 franchise large format retails stores under EVOK brand
Revenue stable on Qtrly/Yrly Basis. Gaining Traction.
Growing TNW. CF for Ops. Increasingly +ve
Volatile yet Profitable Ops. Volatile RoA/RoE/RoCE.
FII stake >3% / DIIs stake up since Jun’22
Increased leveraged. RM inflation & Stretched WC Cycle.
*Do Your Own Research as Well. This is Just an Opinion.*
Happy Investing :)