
IDFC Ltd- A Interesting Case of Undervaluation

IDFC is a Parent Company of IDFCFirst bank which holds Approx 37% Stake in IDFCFirst Bank.Currently IDFCFirst bank has a Valuation of 31000Cr. 37% will be Valued at 11000Cr.

IDFC also has Mutual Fund Business with 1.26LCr AUM. Recently Listed Aditya Birla AMC has a AUM of 3.1Lakh Cr. So Market is Valuing 1LCr AUM of AMC at 6000Cr Mcap. By this Logic, IDFC AMC should be valued at 7500Cr.

In Totality IDFC Business could be Valued at 18500Cr.

Current Marketcap of IDFC is Just 8500Cr, A Whopping Discount to its Holding Value. Market will discover this value and bet on IDFC, If they are bullish on IDFCFirst bank.

