
Learn the way Institutional Trading and Forecast the Next Moves

This one could be the Example to understand how institutions tend to take the drives of scrip once they decide to move forward
when it was in deep low of 850 No one was ready to take it due to News , and during those days institutions ware Quietly acquiring all the sell orders and ware accumulating the scrip ,
Once they Finished their shopping , They made and Indication in Price action and used News to Move the Market , once the scrip starts moving in one direction with out much correction then its likely will head for Minimum of 30 to 50 % Price Growth ,
Retail always try to enter and exit but fails to understand foot steps of institutions
This has made 53 % move form its recent Low and have taken 406 days , now its high time to Look for Reversal once move makes above 1300 and reverse ,
Just trying to Put small information , ignore if you already know it , Like it if you understand it
Good Luck
sorry 406 Bars and its 298 days

