ImageWare Systems, Inc.

Something to consider #IWSY

You might wonder what use the 1-Month view of a 5-year chart is to anyone. Think outside the box. Not about quick money.
I've noted some of the low price points as a reference for potential turnarounds. Why?
Because the swings are profitable. If you can catch it early enough,
say like in April 2013, it went from $1 to $2.64 over the course of the uptrend. 1,000 shares turns into $2,640
just like that. That is a nice profit. Or if you're able to 10,000 shares etc. Even the move last December was almost double your money. Sounds good to me!
It might be excruciating to wait that long, but most of the moves happen in 2-3 month time frames.
If for some reason you wanted to free up money you could simply sell.

