
NASDAQ (IXIC) 10-Day Ahead Prediction 04/12 - 04/25 Period

Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Enabled 5 Day Ahead Predicted values for NASDAQ Index ( IXIC ) have been plotted on the chart.

The method used in this prediction is Deep Learning based, and using complex mathematical models/methodologies to extract hidden time series features in vast amounts of IXIC related data.

The expected 5 Day Change is 0.766 %

The expected 10 Day Change is 0.905 %

Predictability Indicator is calculated as : 0.943

Predicted 10-Day Ahead Prices are as follows:

2018-04-12, 2018-04-13, 2018-04-16, 2018-04-17, 2018-04-18
7121.792, 7123.413, 7111.571, 7112.247, 7123.214

2018-04-19, 2018-04-20, 2018-04-23, 2018-04-24, 2018-04-25
7130.753, 7131.628, 7130.451, 7130.865, 7133.020

Please note that outliers/non-linearities might occur, however our Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Enabled predictions indicate the softened/smoothed moving direction of the stocks/commodities/World Indices/ETFs/Foreign Currencies/Cryptocurrencies.
