Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.

Increased probability of valuation in KDP

Interpretation of the KDP chart:

The Fibo clouds on KDP's daily chart have gradually aligned giving favorable support to the candles' evolution. The compactness of the Fibo clouds from different time periods signals the direction and strength towards the first target to be reached

When the first target is reached, the stop loss must be moved to the position where the entry was made. The aim of this action is to protect the result achieved and ensure that there is enough time to pursue the remaining objectives with a reduced risk of losing the trade.

The use of risk management, an integral part of this method, has been fundamental to achieving the planned results.

Risk-Return Ratio 3
First target reached with an appreciation of 5.18% in 4 trading sessions. Ideal action: move stop loss to the 31.25 line. This action is necessary in order to preserve the partial result so far and to reduce the risk of losses in the operation. It's worth noting that I consider risk management to be just as important, if not more important, than the technique itself which has led to this result so far.
second target achieved with a total result of 11.29% obtained over the course of 31 trading sessions
