Scince the announcement of KXIN that they will enter the "small Electro Vehicel" market shares are already going strong with high volume ... Now we have news about a merger and there are some rumors of possible partners in play ....
technical we see some S/R flips in and we have just recently closed above another resistance ... in case we can break this resistance zone there are no doubt of a price around 5$ a share ,this is also our next bigger resistance level , after market is able to break that level we have open space all the way to 10$ a share ...
Time will tell .... and always remember you are not married to the stock nor you wanna be a bag holder ;-)
good luck and have a great week Trueman23
close over 3 $ today would be a nice sign ....weekly close above 3,60$ would be my favorit scenario for further signs of strength KXIN
a close today above 3 still a good sign ...a close above 3,60 a GREAT sign turn ..stay tuned
Fighting with strong resistance ..... we need to close above 3,60-3,70$ and we are fine... with the merger announcement soon we will fly....hopefully ;-)
we still fighting with the resistance zone....merger announcement already come up ... but looks like as this was not priced in yet .... we still hodl