LBRY Credits / Bitcoin

Following this pattern

I have been accumulating the LBC for like 4 months, it saw two pumps in this period, one is above 9k and the second is above 5k sats. I made my trades there and waiting for ending the depression period and start to disbelief part of this coin. May is coming and the old ones will come this month, project is solid, team is working hard and all of us know the Cambridge Analytica Scandal of Facebook, these things are important for getting to know about the benefits about the blockchain tech for the ordinary people. Fib levels are targets, waiting for letting the market LBC start to moon.

Have nice trades with huge profits that helps to run your goals.
May coins started last night like WAVES, maybe we cant go that high this year, one must not forget to take profits including me.

Two divergence channels

I changed my idea and get bored of waiting this coin. I truly love them still but May is started and they are just being sweet for the market.

