
LINKUSD 15 minute 2/16/22 - Waiting for the Old Guard

It is probably the most fascinating moment in my experience of economical history. very telling of our worlds Governments. Are they for us or against us. Canada once a place deemed "more free" than USA, is now trying to figure out how to control its people by limiting their money. The forced a project of fundraising to return money as opposed to supporting people who do not want vaccine. our government pulled XRP and at least for me, stole my money and potential to make money. I Have no idea what they did with my XRP. Im sure others who refused to sell also just had their account wiped. Weird. Especially when you look at Governments and their players making deals with banks. if they accept change and pivot they must see how developments like chainlink can add to oversight and offer trust for the people. The fact that we elect someone does not mean that someone has the ability of self control. A smart contract offers Mutual trust. Preset terms. and a better democracy. In my opinion this is the carrot. Democracy has not been achieved and the people in control see it rising and are afraid of the unknown. This is why they add to the unknown with confusion and distrust. We are all so fortunate to witness this point in history. Where our ancestors were used by power we may finally get the chance to wield the power and dilute its extremes to a balance.

