Lincoln National Corporation

Long Position hold and purchase for LNC.


Above is a long position outlook over a 16-18 month range for LNC. Looking at a drop to $16.27 and an increase to roughly $55.00. We are about 6 months into this rotation. Monetary policy and fed adjustments, banking volatility, and congressional changes will impact the downward trend. Recession, retirement guarantee, and banking recovery/economic recovery will play into the upswing, thus paying out the long position.
Going back off this idea. As the Fed's loosen restraints, LNC has sold it's wealth management division, thus allowing them to focus more on single asset raising parts of the company. LNC has only went up since recent Fed news.

Attached is an updated image of the chart published above. This follows the trend lines set last year. The low for LNC on the 52-week scale is $18.50 and this was met with an increase of $13.93 to a high. The price mark has been raised, rating has been set to buy respectably, and is still on the rise. This follows the S&P Finance sector as well.

