
LRCUSD at a critical point

• LRCUSD has been in a descending parallel channel since her ATH on 10 Nov'21.
• She seems to be in her last sub-peak of Correction Wave A.
• Unless there is a sustained break out of the parallel channel, then the above two assumptions could not be invalidated.
• LRCUSD has been behaving in a rather masochistic manner since her ATH. I was expecting a H&S instead of this prolonged pain. I suspect this is due to the hopium found in abundance in LRC's reddit threads.
• There is a chance that she will break out above the parallel channel, new hopium will be injected, and a new ATH may be established.
• However, there is a greater chance that this will not happen. *If she bounces off the topline back into the parallel channel*, then the hopium would persist, and LRCUSD will continue with her prolonged pain.
• *If she breaks below the parallel channel*, then the hopium would run out, and that would be the start of the end.
• This does not look good.
• I don't quite understand why my analyses on LRCUSD garner many more likes than other analyses which I personally think are much more important.
• I suppose it's the bubbly nature of LRC.
• Anyway, LRCUSD broke out of the parallel channel, and spent more than 24 agonising hours slowly trending downwards and testing the topline of the parallel channel multiple times.
• Unless there is a freak event, the topline will eventually break.
• My wife thinks I'm a rather extreme person (I just completed a 24 hour non-stop hiking challenge (I was the one who issued the challenge to myself)), but seeing my bag of LRC (if I were to have any LRC left) trend downwards is a sort of pain I do not like.

