The Pump and the Dumper - Luna Terra 🧟 Zombie Coin

2 426
Terra. Latin, literally ‘earth’.

Luna means 'moon' in Latin

Terra Luna, an epic Earth-Moon-Earth route, with millions of victims around the world.

Some of you have talked to me about buying it now, hoping for an Epic rebound which we all know will never happen.

After all, Luna 2.0 is coming in 10 days :

This has been a classic Rug-Pull example. Yes, all crypto has high volatility but this case is really a 'Masterpiece of Pumping and Dumping'. Perfection of an evil mind, especially the Little Pump before the BIG Dump, after it faked a rebound on support.

Sorry guys but it looks awful, I wouldn't trust them for nothing.

For those still 'hoping' (they are new buyers/speculators, betting that a corpse can come back like a zombie) here is our technical analysis:

Price will need to x5,500 times to go to 1$. We added a 4,94$ resistance for you all to hope because that is technically the case.
But we all know it's not going to happen..

After all, we said 'RIP' for a reason:
RIP 💀🥀 - From Hero to ZERO

No Love for Pump and Dump and shame on the 'Masterminds' behind Do Kwon.

Our condolences to the victims, that's the right word for it.

No Love for Rug Pulls,


