
$MITH /$BTC Chart is looking strong

MITH /BTC Chart is looking strong

Overall Score: 67.2%
Open communication channels: 100%
Team strength: 83%
Product strength: 80%
Coin strength: 86%
Brand awareness/Buzz: 50%
Advisory board strength: 75%
Activity on social media: 95%

Quick Research
Purpose: Mithril is a decentralized mobile game ad platform.
Mithril aims to dramatically improve ad efficiency by eliminating middlemen intervention and connecting gamers and gaming companies directly using verified gamer's blockchain data.

Product Status: Beta version
Consensus Method: Ethereum consensus (currently proof of work, will be proof of stake later on)
Emission rate: No new tokens created
TXN'p/s: 0

Mithril is a decentralized social media platform on the Ethereum Blockchain. Mithril will integrate into new and existing social media networks to reward content creators for contributions to the network - we call this Social Mining.
Mithril (MITH) will leverage blockchain technology to ensure that transactions are secure and safe for all participants. This technology revolves around decentralized data storage that can record transactions between parties in a efficient, trustless, and immutable manner.
MITH will launch as a utility token on Lit, an innovative social media platform that addresses the needs of this current generation of users. This younger generation of social media users seeks a platform that addresses both their needs as early crypto adopters as well as their evolving needs in social media. Features such as instant messaging, story feeds, and discovery of new friends are all built into Lit for launch. Lit will enable Social Mining of MITH to reward users for contributing their personal content to the network, and provide the Mithril Vault for its users to store, use, and exchange MITH for BTC and ETH. Lit will seamlessly integrate into into major social networks to help users more easily monetize their personal content.

Investment data
Listed on 6 exchanges
CoinMarketCap Rank: 84
Market Cap: $124 M
24H Volume: $78 M
Coin Age: 3 months
we hit around 808 sat and dropped a bit. still looking good however few bars on 4hours chart ended very low which indicates a bit of pull back or sideway action.
reached 0.00000968 Sat.


