
Microsoft could shed 20% by mid 2016

Microsoft has expanded range from an 11 month mode and nearly reached the price projection target in a single bar. With a key pitchfork outer band immediately above acting as a ceiling, this is additional support for a weak monthly bar short back to the 11 month mode. Either wait for a weaker monthly bar to form and short the break of its low with a stop above its high, or drop time-frame to the weekly or daily to fine tune an entry with the larger monthly picture in mind. Extra bonus for 20% short by mid 2016: the huge 12 quarter mode outline with the pink horizontal expires 1st quarter of 2016. Happy trading!

For more information and insights into managing this position, scaling in, and understanding the logic behind the technical setups contact me via pm. I'm currently apart of a professional skype group that shares trade setups, hosts 2 private webinars per week, and also offers one-on-one tutoring via Skype calls.

