Monetha Jumps, Let Me Show You Something... They All Do The Same

Here we have Monetha (MTHBTC) printing a huge jump today... Please, allow me to show you something... They all do the same.

Let's see how this chart goes.

We have a low 5-Nov., I mentioned that altcoins vs bitcoin hit a low around this date, from the 3rd to the 6th November, most of them.

We get the first reversal and a bullish wave starts to form...

Then prices start to drop and everybody starts panicking and tells me that I am a joke.

But just yesterday, 18-Nov. MTHBTC ended in a higher low... That is exactly what I keep on saying. Nothing moves straight up, it goes up and down, up and down... Down and up.

After the higher low... Comes the price jump.

Now, I look at dozens of these charts daily and I know that many don't have the time or desire to do the same... So I made it my job to tell you what I see coming from the information that I get.

Many of the altcoins that I keep on seeing daily have a similar chart like this one.

First, they hit a low in early Nov. and now a higher low...

What comes next?




