Mahindra and Mahindra Limited Stock Analysis using Elliott Waves
Today, we're analyzing Mahendra and Mahendra Limited's stock using Elliott Waves. In the larger time frame, we've completed waves one, two, three, and four. Currently, we're possibly in the red fifth wave.
Within the 5th wave, we have sub-divisions: black ((i)), ((ii)), ((iii)), ((iv)), and ((v)). Our analysis suggests:
- Black ((i)), ((ii)), and ((iii)) are complete
- Black ((iv))’s (a) and (b) are completed and now wave (c) is almost near to complete.
Once (c) is complete, that means black wave ((iv)) will end. Generally, wave ((iv)) doesn't cross 50% of wave ((iii))’s length. In 90% of cases, wave ((iv)) doesn't retrace beyond this level.
As black wave ((iv)) concludes, wave ((v)) will likely begin, forming a new high.
Important Notes:
- This analysis is for educational purposes only, not trading advice.
- Elliott Waves involve multiple possibilities; this analysis focuses on one potential scenario.
- Trading or investing solely based on this study involves risk.
- This content is not advisory and doesn't guarantee profits.
Remember: Elliott Wave analysis is a complex tool that requires practice and experience. It's essential to approach it with caution and always consider the potential risks involved in trading.
I am not Sebi registered analyst.
My studies are for educational purpose only.
Please Consult your financial advisor before trading or investing.
I am not responsible for any kinds of your profits and your losses.
Most investors treat trading as a hobby because they have a full-time job doing something else.
However, If you treat trading like a business, it will pay you like a business.
If you treat like a hobby, hobbies don't pay, they cost you...!
Hope this post is helpful to community
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