
NASDAQ has R/S flipped 11.5k!

TVC:NDQ   US 100 Index

Dont get distracted by 1% up moves. Trend remains down and NDQ now has r/s flipped the 11.5k region after the 2nd hammer.

The recent sweep above that region became even weaker than the one after the 1st hammer and price is trading below again now and inside a (bear) flag.

So, is 14k next possible? Yes but is it the most likely scenario? No

The recent low came 7% close to HVN, kind of self explanatory stops will be taken before any decisive move ups.

And even both flag's poles point to the same price range, gotta love it huh?!

And still, it remains a game of probablilites where short is to be favored at the moment.

Also be sure that psycho 10.000 mark will give a nice bounce whether impulsive or corrective

Invalidation: break of downtrend + backtest + re-flip 11.5k

Hold my beer pls


No financial advice, do your own research, don't be stupid

