Newmont Corporation已更新

Time to Go Long Gold AGAIN $GLD $NEM $WPM

GDX and WPM are tracking close to each other.

NEM however is weaker.

So, I am hoping to build a position for a Long trade AGAIN in the Pullback. This time it will be for a longer duration.
ThinkorSwim is hurting my ability to scan or manage my positions.

Running blind here, so cannot update optimal adjustments or any such. Sorry.
Time to hedge this long exposure. Short term Hedge so, we dont let our options expire.

1. Buy Iron Condor for 50-50
2. Set up Put Back Ratio Spread (For a Credit or as close to $0)

Primarily because USD (DXY) shows bullish sign, could rally $97. If so Expect GLD to drop to 165.
