
Looking for a natural gas long trade

2.12.24 I am looking for a buy signal for a long trade or natural gas. The video goes over this in a lot of detail so we don't need to do that here. The videos more about setting up the chart to prepare for the reversal... before the reversal happens. My gut level feeling is this is going to be a great reversal trade because the markets at a very strong support even though it may still go a little bit lower before we find the buyers. The important thing for you to take into consideration if you're starting as a trader...Is that there's plenty of time to set the chart up before you have to take a trade... and that effort to set up the chart forces you to review the characteristics of the market that can help you so that you're not paralyzed by a surprise and then the market gets away from you before you realize it.... you're too late. The beautiful things about reversal patterns is that many traders are biased to the current trend of the market and they're not focused on where the real money is going to be made with a higher probability.... and that is the trade in the other direction.
