Nifty 50指數

Short Straddle + Short Strangle

Markets are showing further down move but it won't be a rally rather it will be a range-bound movement

5 Min charts show a possible breakdown which may go up to 12100 level

I believe Markets will expire today at 12100 Strike
So most probably 12100 will be our ATM Strike

Straddle At 12100 Strike

CE Premium = 98
PE Premium = 18.32


At 12200 CE
Premium = 37.25

At 12000 PE
Premium = 6.05

Net Premium = 159.62
Net Delta = - 0.85
Stop Loss for each trade would be 850

Max Loss = 850 * 4 = 3400
Max Profit = 159.62 * 75 = 11971

Happy Trading....
Unwinding 12100 PE as its decreasing our profits at premium of 4.62
Closing all trade 2:32 PM
12100 CE Change in Premium = -65.1
12200 CE Change in Premium = -30.1
12000 PE Change in Premium = 0.65
Net Change = -94.55
Net Profit = 94.55 * 75 = 7091.25
This profit is almost 60% of the Premium which is good
Forgot to deduct the loss of (4.62 * 75) 346 from our Profit of 7091

Net Profit Corrected = 7091 - 346 = 6745

Net Profit = 6745

