Nifty 50指數


Bull journey may earn a stop, have some rest and will test us.
Its all depends on world since Chinese, Japanese economies are not in good mode.
Now, India is slowly replacing China to revamp the international demands to meet, simultaneously Japanese economy slowed down too.
Its all depends on various factors for the FIIs to pour the money in Nifty and the sustainability of newly opened active Demat accounts in stock/MF SIP too.
Time will tell the remaining tale.
FII inputs is no more needed for Indian stock market. May be DIIs are confident on our companies in India. Retail Investors who opened new accounts since Covid 19 crisis are consistently investing their hard own money thru SIP in stocks/mutual funds, etc.
From now on, all our UPs and DOWNs to be determined by ourselves, not by some one who can control across the country / continent.

