
Numeraire Grows 138% Today, Over 200% In 2 Weeks; Same Pattern

Numeraire (NMRBTC) just printed the highest volume ever and we have some really nice growth.

This is really good and I'll tell you why in a minute...

We see over 135% of growth today alone and more than 200% in the past two weeks.

All the altcoins are connected and the rest of the market is sure to follow, this is just an early signal.

Notice the "bottom pattern" we've been looking at in dozens of different pairs/charts.

We have a low 12-May (13-May in this case) followed by a lower low 13-June.
This pattern precedes now many strong bullish breakouts.

These breakouts will lead to a trend reversal.
After the trend changes we can see many months of continued growth.

This is all for this one.

Thanks for your support.


