
NVDA earnings for fun & practice

I take an esoteric perspective on market analysis with dowsing and intuition and some other stuff. My intuition is giving me a down on it, but dowsing is saying it's going up to $135 and will stay or continue up for 2 days.
I've had it before where I nail levels, but it's in the afterhours and not very helpful if you're in options. Since it's suggesting more than one day up, I think this will be ok.

The potentially bigger deal is that it reverses, but this would be a couple days out. I'm getting that it'll at least test or break today's lod. I'll check again tomorrow.
Ok, it's just after 3:00. My dowsing says this little pump is a bear trap. I get that it's going down possibly to $119 or $121. Sometimes my levels are just a first stop, but it does say a "look below & fail". So whatever the move down should eventually be recovered to some extent.
Yesterday I was getting a 5.8% move. I thought that was up & would hit the $135. Now, if I calculate it from the price at the time it comes out to $120.96, which is right in line with the other number 121. So, I think it's going down there now. Sorry. And I still could be completely wrong. But I hope not.
This is super interesting. When I made this idea yesterday, my intuition gave me the clear signal down with the number 8. I usually understand these numbers as the percent move. NVDA hit down 8% after hours at the low (so far).
I didn't mention the number because I thought I was probably wrong, but this is neat because it means it answered what I was actually intending as my question.
