Nexstar Media Group, Inc.

NYSE - SwingTrading: Buy Signal NXST

The stock NXST on our watchlist crossed a low risk enty point and generated a buy signal, we have added the stock to the JS-TechTrading portfolio.
SL is less than 5.3% (SL at 163.3), win target is > 11%.

NXST has a high relative strentgh (IBD style) and broke out of a volatility contraction pattern earlier today under high volume . Until now, the price / volume action is great.

We have recommended to open an NXST position to our clients in real-time earlier today.

Here is the link to our current JS-TechTrading portfolio:

While the stock market came under pressure yesterday, the majority of stocks in our portfolio held up well and only LI hit the SL.
Today's action of most stocks in our portfolio is very encouraging. In case things should further improve either during today's trading session or tomorrow, we will increase exposure to 30-40% invested.

