Organigram Holdings Inc.

Excellent undervalued pot stock.

This is by far the better of all the pot stocks. It has broken its downward trend and is rising above the 50 ma. Also 20 ma is about to go above 50 ma. A reasonable exit point would be about 2.50., but with all of the recent emotion behind pot stocks... who knows what will happen.

IMO this is a good value and I’m in on a good position at 1.99. I expect to see a pop in the next few days once the short limits are hit. I believe this stock has about 8% short float.
About 2.00 resistance is now support. Perfect.
Good day in spite of the market.
The slumbering giant has awoken. Breakout after confirmation ~2 dollar resistance. After I looked at this more I believe the next several days are going to get very interesting. The short float is still 8%. I believe we will see some quick upward movement when the limits for those shorts are met. IMO this stock is about to catch eyes quick.
And there is a contract
With Israel to purchase product. All people scanning the news will see that.
I’m glad I’m in it.

