BTC vs ALT dominance in past 2 years

I thought it would be interesting to compare what performed better in general during the BULL market of 2017 and the BEAR market of 2018.
To see if it can give us any lessons to be learned on what to favour if your going long.

During the BULL Market, the ALTs lost significantly in terms of value against BTC.
During the BEAR Market, the ALTs gains were significant against BTC during the 1st 1/3 rd of the Bear trend and then later I suppose people abandoned the ALTs as news or progress slowed down in their projects.
As you can see, after the bottom of the market was confirmed in Jan, the ALTs gained a lot against BTC, but as soon as the BULL market was confirmed, BTC became dominant again. Backing the 2017 observations.

The chart conclusion:
BTC is still king.

ALT dominance chart, up close

Alternatively, another perspective
BTC dominance chart
