Just to represent graphically, we have the square of sides 441.71 X 441.71 on both sides
The 0.618 Fib division of the square was the level price reached in February 2020, the top of the crash, The crash settled on the 0.382 division of the square for the next advance The bottom of the crash was 883 weeks from the origin of the cycle in 2003
So time axis reached 2.0 of 441.71 exactly at the bottom of the crash and price axis reached only 0.618 level 441.71 * 0.618 = 273 units ( Price axis ) 441.71 * 2.0 = 883.42 units ( Time axis )
So we expect that between the 2.0 time and 2.618 time axis the top could be reached. Prior to the 2.618 time we have the 2.236 or root 5 time axis to monitor against price. Good luck and take care guys