After 3 yrs of learning to speak semi fluent PLX I have learned a thing or two. When they dont say anything.. THEY are saying plenty. And this time.. When they mentioned nothing about April ..filling for the BLA. They meant it. There will be no filing based on the data they have thus far. If Im wrong.. I will eat my words. But my gut tells me they knew it all along and have strung us out to dry. Why else ask for more shares When they have all and more than they need ??? I really hope Im wrong but .. haha.. I dont think so. Last day of April tomorrow and I dont buy any excuses because of the virus that they didnt submit. They NEVER INTENDED ON SUBMITTING IN APRIL..They are liers and theives.Who may just have a decent drug. I am long plx but I despise them as a company and people. And personally after yesterdays candle Id say..go ahead and short em. I still think all time lows are instore semi soon. !!

