The TCCS strategy forecast indicates a setup on the following pairing;
Coin : RCN/BTC
Risk : High
Exchange: Binance
TCCS strategy would be to Buy :
Between 0.0000023 to 0.00000235
* Buying pourcentage are provided in the Premium package

TCCS strategy would be to Sell at :
Target 1 : 0.00000254
Target 2 : 0.00000283
Target 3 : 0.00000303
*Sell and profit percentage are provided in the Premium package

Stop Loss : *Educational are provided in Premium package

Trader Comments on the forcasted setup:
Create a trendline and we see a turnover on the MA and EMA. I will go test all in the next 6 days for a potential of 30% profit.
We see a lot a space on the VPVR

