
Repsol 2020 Dividend - 11% ROI in 1 Month


Repsol got hit by the pandemic like every other company so it leaves it available for many investors to get incredibly high returns.

Repsol is the leader of Iberian energy, mostly known as an integrated oil & gas company. It is looking to switch into renewable energies and build/retain a solid base of shareholders given the bad rep oil & gas companies get. It is continuously increasing dividends yield to achieve just that. This year despite the covid pandemic and its impact on Spain, they soon after announced their commitment on maintaining their promise of 1 euro/share.

I personally am familiar with the company so I will keep buying and holding until the price reaches 12-14 euros/share.

You should be able to entry easily anywhere from 8,5 to 10 until 16th June.

Wish you luck!
If you need more info just comment or message me :)

