Route / Tether

pulish idea

Bitcoin, abbreviated BTC, is a digital currency or form of digital asset with a market value of about $ 668.21 billion, ranking No. 1 and accounting for 38.78% of the total market. Each unit of Bitcoin is currently traded at a price of $ 35,285, including the Tetra rate of 28,730 Tomans, equivalent to 1,013,743,945 Tomans, and its daily trading volume is $ 36.3 billion. The price has decreased -9.98% in the last 24 hours. The highest price of Bitcoin on November 19, 1400 (10 November 2021) was equivalent to 68,664.16 dollars, which is currently 48.61% lower than then. The number of units in circulation of Bitcoin will be 18.94 million and the total number of units will be 21 million. Currently, the most active exchange in which bitcoin is traded is Koinbazar exchange with a share of 46.31% of the daily trading volume.

