SEK - my pesonal view of the situation

both ECB and the FED has just publically annonced that they will stimulate the evconomies and not increase interest rates. This money should spread and leak into every asset (except maybe for housing since people are already so heavily endebted)... QE4 is a big thing since the previous monetary strategy was directed towards "normalization" of the balance sheet (i.e. FED selling assets listed on their balance sheet and increasing interest rates)...
Socialism failing is the same as inflation being realized, since when money devalues it reduces the ability for the government to rule. In all actuality, the inflation was there a long time all along, but the money velocity was low so it isn't noticeable. It's low because it is locked into investments like housing for example. This money will become scared and wanting to flee. Some money will get stuck and some will be able to flee but the velocity will increase and inflation will magically appear...
Government politicians in Sweden likes to brag about the low government debt in Sweden and just had a presentation about this in sent at television (in Sweden private debt is high and public debt is low).

They've also just told us that they plan to increase this debt a week ago or so. Because they something like "much needs to be done".
Let's say that I'm wrong for fun. That would mean that the housing market crashes, the consumption level is lowered, interest rates would increase by banks to increase the stability of the banks. This would create a strong deflationary effect on the Swedish krona... This would in turn increase the value of the pensions and give incentive for the newly pensionated baby boomers to consume their monthly payments from outside Sweden because of the strength of the currency... Pffffftt.... haha, impossible... Dream on.
There's some sources that show a stagnating housing market in many parts of the world...

If these colonies of human cattle really have an owner - the smartest way to keep the human cattle population at a suitable level is to stop this housing decline. This because of the high debt by young people. Me being a free market supporter can still see the value in creating some sort of short term communism as an actual solution to steal the wealth from the older cattle to give to the younger cattle so that they can create more cattles... The thing is young people need money to feel attractive and feel in the mood of creating a family. If the younger cattle not get the sense of being wealthy they will not prosper and will not reproduce. There's a saying that may be a bit racist but needs to be told: "white people does not reproduce when in captivity". There's some truth to that. Something to think about...
Whatever happens, as long at money is something at is agreed to having value in contrast to for example having gold backing - it has room to fall....

And if all the old people have a currency A and all the young people have currency B (backed by human labour)... So does currency A backed by simply the agreed sense of value it has win over currency B backed by human labour? Ofcourse not!!!
I'm going to make a little guess here...
I'm guessing that SEK loses between 20 - 30% against the dollar in half a year...
This will make the housing market in Sweden look steady make the average Swede say "so what"... Maybe their salaries will also increase... I'm already seeing the headlines in my imagination saying salaries are "skyrocket, export is surging" and "multiculture is the reason". Or maybe we'll have that sweet little phase of stagflation (the biggest nightmare of central banks because they are powerless against it).
The krona is crashing.
Mainstream economists like to think that the economical strength in a country is proportional to the size of the working age population. This is something that the mainstream economist cling to in a religious fashion, and they seem to think that it doesn't matter what kind of population that is. Just close your eyes and dream about that there are not other factors involved in the formula end that's how the mainstream economist "rationalize" around this... This is the biggest reason in my opinion why we actually have immigration from very odd countries to say the least... There's actually crappy "rationalizations" all over the place but that happens when we become a hive mind. We get stuck in the bandwagon fallacy.

A little advice, read about these very common logical fallacies and strive to never do them. If you do so you will grow and get wise:

Human beings naturally commit all of these deadly sins of logical deduction. All of these are crimes to our reasoning and there's almost no point in bringing them up because people are not so interested in being honest with themselves. But maybe someone here understands...
Here's one more little SEKUSD chart I just made... Enjoy.
My usual OccultMagnetism patterns doesn't work on fiat currencies cause god doesn't like them.
Now me and my wife finally got well payed jobs outside Sweden (moving this summer). Quitting my current job and moving before the hyperinflation starts for real... Bye bye Sweden.
The Swedish krona is continuously dying.

Fear porrn about a stock market collapse in Sewden is rumbling on swedish newspapers like (don't go there).

The market collapse will probably not occur, but instead the summer vacation will be very boring this summer when the currency collapse 20-30% against the dollar. Just guessing here.
To reproduce in Sweden you need to be either:

1. Physically attractive with high salary and lots of loans.
2. Immigrant with a lust for women. (PS. Look into the dependence between IQ and reproduction, search on "IQ map" and "fertility map" and compare them).
3. Physically attractive, charming, drug problem, drinking or violence problem (ahhh, sexyyy).
3. Nationalist (there are almost none).

1. Being a woman in itself makes you special, so your probability of reproducing is simply linearly dependent of your ability to withstand propaganda, either by natural woman instinct or by intellectual understanding (very rare).

Listen... there is no middle ground (either 1, 2 or 3). If you are really productive with a high salary, but haven't got the looks, no babies and family for you. This is a phenomenon created by government. Government (and it's ending stage in socialism and communism) actually intervene and can't help itself from doing eugenics on it's population, unintentionally or not (who cares). Redistributing money is against the law of nature, and the punishment is unimaginably rough and ruthless. Sadly the time inbetween these periodic and repeating cycles is a bit too long, in combination with the shame and denial, that makes us forget about them, and the fear, anger and greed to not talk about them.

"Hoard cash (because we want to hyperinflate the currency"

Menawhile swedish newspapers are talking about a stock market crisis... Sure...
Another view (the most simplistic):
The prime minister of Sweden just said that they're not lowering the petroleum prices (about 6.66 /gallon including taxes).

I believe that he will make another announcement in 1 or 2 weeks where he says they are going to lower the tax on petroleum (and warn about what happened in France and about the yellow west movement).

This will create a hole in the state budget. And will be filled with new printed currency.

They will claim that there is now inflation when prices go up (since the gas price in counted into the measure of inflation). It's called "konsumentprisindex" here in Sweden. They will brag about that index that they will claim indicates that everything is fine whilst the Swedish krona is being devalued agains other currencies. People will be scratching their heads and start to blame Russia or something absurd. But the simple fact is that there will be more money in curculation because of the coming petroleum price decline that I believe is coming.
They will claim that there is NO inflation....
The petroleum price cut that I think is coming here will be a black swan event.
They (the controllers) really want inflation but need to create it in a smooth way.
This way would be really smooth....
Here's an article of the foolish prime minister of Sweden claiming that he's NOT going to lower the petroleum prices:

Wait for it. Just wait for it... Soon I will link to an article where he says the opposite, and we'll have our black swan event.
I'm no longer living in Sweden and will follow the Swedish spectacle fail from a safe distance. Swedish krona is very weak and there is nothing to instill hope. I'm incredibly pessimistic for the future of Sweden. I've got about 90% Swedish blood and 10% Finnish blood in my veins (my grandfather), this small ratio of exotic blood makes me able to see. If you are 100% Swede you can't see. That's just how it is.
When will they report on a lower fuel prices in Sweden? Dear prime minister of Sweden... you need to lower fuel prices so that you can inflate everything else and still present a stable consumer price index. You want to inflate everything to steal from the old (erhhhh... I mean rich).
So now fuel prices are low, so you can inflate the currency supply...
Beyond Technical Analysis
