

1 413
Maybe hopefully SHIB will bounce back. In Dec Robinhood will list shib they already have a shib wallet. My channel down looking for a break out . Shib is far below the 0.618 . Only time will tell.
Bought shib at 0.00000690 sold at 2500 bought back in at 0.00001290 with only profit
I think SHIb will return to these glory days soon. Just relax .. you can also bury your shib on shiba swap at 269% return locked for 6 months..
If you lock for 6 months you still can withdraw 33% and take the profits best deal around
Not financial advice. please do your own research
Look at SAITAMA already lost 2 zeros and Floki just my thoughts
Remember buying a token for 0.0000001 is great for returns buying a billion tokens for only #100 and you return is #10 every point better then BTC
Will SHIB lose a zero the answer is yes. Robin hood listing Plus Shiba is Putting out 10,000 NFTs . The NFTs can only be bought in shib and the cost for all NFTs will be burned. SHib is working hard to burn and raise the value of token.
By the end of this year I think SHib will be around 0.0001203 could be more or less all depends on NFTs robin hood and next listing. I will update will date of robinhood is listing SHIb

