
Momentum trumps aberrations; gauging power ahead of the results

A week ahead of the results, the energy-centric company took a toll in lieu of the last trading session's underlying event. However, that doesn't deter the pent up short-cycle orders the company has been reaping on for the last few years. This alone can become a pivot of sustenance against the competitors. Now, pit this sentiment against the global cues of the principal sector and you'll get mammoth of momentum coming up.

In this respect, we have spotted a constricted demand and supply zones on a swing time frame. Beyond those, to absorb the volatile triggers on either side, we have spotted two crucial supports and one resistance, synthesized with volume cluster analysis, as the peak potential for this particular idea to be closed on or before the earnings.

Further, to capture precise entry's near the marked important levels we are using an Indicator that combines CCI limits with ATR smoothening. Open to interpretation this back-handed trick can open several interesting opportunities.

