
Trade set up

I remember around 2 Years back when i met a individual and Joined their so called What's Up Group , They particularly Called me Fool because i told then its Going to 34 USD
Approximately in 2018 I said to them , they all come today in Bloomberg , TV channels as professionals , but they didnt understand the reality

Fact is they did not make money even in 2021 , in 2020 I met an senior 25 Years of Experience and having an PMS with 1 Million $ + he was more of free to use kind of Man

He too did not make money despite i told him GOLD, SILVER , NIFTY , everything will Go up ,

So I still know that people have lack of faith because they think they are superiors then others ,

My friends if you want to become superiors then Your 1st Job is to start Placing your own Analysis in Trading view daily minimum 10 posts,
by end of 6th Month I will guarantee you will match your efficiency with any experts still you will Make Good money

Don't be foolish to ignore daily Practices , this platform is for free and use it to Maximum capacity

Good luck

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , ShreeKrishna always Makes Tons of Money

