The world order is changing. Investment strategies that worked in the last forty years of declining interest rates are likely to be decimated going forward.
Silver - The worlds most needed and yet undervalued asset, currently paper trades at 24/oz. The upside potential of the famous white metal has too many fundamentals to list. Stealth bull phase in progressing towards awareness.
1) Price suppression through the COMEX appears to be coming to an end and soon with less than 33 million ounces setting the world price of silver. India alone has imported 10x this much silver, seizing the artificially low price bargain. China has also imported record amounts of the white metal.
2) Price suppression goes back to at least 1873. Think of a coiled spring with gobs and gobs of stored up energy, just waiting to pop. This will cause silver to reach it's fair value (unknown) and then over shoot. $600 per ounce is not a joke and may very well be only the first milestone. Silver could be valued at thousands of fiat federal reserve notes / CBDCs in the coming years.
3) Unlike GOLD, silver is far rarer above ground. It is estimated 80% of all the gold ever mined in human history is sitting in gold vaults. Gold is first and foremost MONEY and with limited industrial use. Silver on the other hand is both MONEY and has THOUSANDS of industrial applications, most notably silver is a key ingredient of the green energy push.
4) Silver gets used and thrown away. At current prices its cheaper to throw it away and mine more but at higher prices, we will be mining our landfills busting apart old game boys, computers, cell phones, etc.
5) Silver is considered by many to be the Achille's heal of the entire western financial system. I wonder why?
Less anecdotal reasons:
An economic & monetary catastrophe of biblical proportions is coming to the West it seems. What better resource to have then God's money?
Silver also just posted a golden cross in a defined uptrend today - 12/22/22.
End of decade price targets $600, $1000 per ounce. Maybe more, depends how many dollars they print and how the new US CBDC system is implemented.