Silver Mini Futures

SIlver Mini

Currently silver trading at 55700. Buy silver mini lots from 55555. accumulate at every 500-1000 Rs lower value based on individual risk appetite.
In other words, buy below 18.5$ and about 1-2% down, todays rate are of Jun 2020, the lowest in 5 years was in MAR 2020 about 12.5.
With FED meeting looming and bond yield increasing, dollar will become strong and metal will become weak, but Rs depreciation may provide support after Nov 2 to certain extend and with festival season ahead.
RBI may not support Rs when FED increase rate. The same pattern is seen during last FED rate rise.

Start selling above 57500-58000. for multiple lots, sell with upward movement of about 750 Rs for each lot.

THis is for SILVERM NOV future. For SILVER adjust the values accordingly.

The above suggestion is for education purpose and individual shall buy based on his own judgement and risk appetite.

