
Quarterly Earnings (April 9th) - Weekly - SJR

Hello Successful Traders,

The stock (SJR) will be releasing its Q2E (Quarterly Earnings 2) tomorrow (April 9th). Considering the prevalent consensus that the (share) will evidently perform well (according to TradingView). The price may witness a northward trajectory for tomorrow. Be diligent and acknowledge the volatility of market PA (Price Action).

Resistance Level 2 - (27.35 - 27. 65) 30 cent interval

Resistance Level 1 - (23.35 - 23. 54) 30 cent interval

Key Price Zone (KPZ) - (20.95 - 20.20) 25 cent interval

Support Level 1 - (15.60 - 15.85) 25 cent interval

Furthermore, the Q2Es are simply speculations and should be digested we caution. (Utilize various sources to affirm direction of equity).

Not Investment Advice. For Educational and Analytical Purposes Only. (Be Conscientious and Stick To Your Trading Plan)***

