Solana Chart: Potential bottom in place? II

Price action within markets are a fascinating phenomenon. For the most part their counter intuitive to news, current events and the realities of analysts. Case in point, we have the highest inflation in decades, there's a war in Ukraine, Oil prices are the highest in a decade and the stock market and crypto currencies (risk assets) are rallying.

Really? That makes no sense.

However, the dynamic of herds, market phycology and sentiment is, and has always been control. ALL OF THIS BEARS OUT IN A SIMPLE PRICE CHART.

Nothing is more credible than how the daily sentiment of traders who are actively involved in a market structures itself.

That's why if SOL prices breaches $123 in a five wave structure there will be a decline from that price, If that decline structure is a 3-wave pattern and then price immediately beaches the most previous high we should (should) end up somewhere around $600 in SOL by end of 2022. There's a lot to play out between now and then so follow me for insight and an honest perspective of SOL price patterns.
Wave Analysis
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