SoundHound AI, Inc.


This one is a little guy flying under the radar. It’s getting extremely tight here.

Monster reistance at 3.34. Seems to be continuing to hold up just under 3$. There’s only so much time left in this considation and we contiue to bash our head against 3.34 reistance.

If it gets one more leg down then 2.60 is huge support and would contiue making higher lows as it has been doing. If we get a positive reaction with fed meeting this could be exactly what is the catalyst to blast this out of this considlation. Personally I’d be grabbing long with stops below todays low.

Targeting 5$ which psychologically will be a big reistance. Any 5$ break could blast this thing towards 8-12 but that would take some time. Patience will be needed in this Howver we only have till at latest July 7th-10th to make out move. I think we going up up and away !

