
The Resemblance is Far Too Uncanny

This chart is rather simply mocked up. However the resemblance of how the last 7 years before the 2001 stock market crash and the last 7 years leading up to the 2021 stock market crash were rather uncanny to say the least.
Even more so, almost to the day/week how the patterns have resembled the exact formation of the 2001 cycle almost to the exact percentages.
Anyone who believes that history repeats it self, or more or less has a similar Rhythm to the past, or is just curious to see if the next 440 play out in a similar pattern to what I believe will be a new low. Please save this post and give it a boost so that others get a chance to benefit from it in the same way you did.
Also a shout out to SPY_Master for pointing out that since 1988 the stock market has never bottomed out during a recession whilst the T10Y2Y Rate was Inverted (heading down). More reason to believe this market has a way to go. Also to note how the predicted percentage falls based on the 2001 crash lines up with the previous resistance levels of the crash in 2020. This could have to do with quarters theory. Some methods do stand the test of time. This may potentially gives you some possible resistances and support levels for potential future bear market rallies. During what I believe is a the start of the continuation of this bear market.

