
SPX Weekly Ranges

Here are the past 7 weeks of PVI Volatility Ranges for SPX . The Ranges are computed every weekend from a myriad of data points and ratios (Index, Volatility variations, SKEW, HV, IV, etc...)
We compute the ranges on the weekend, along with our roadmap & Game Plan for the week ahead. Some of us enter their first tranche on Sunday nights or early Monday (depending on confirmation from Futures ).
We do NOT sell fixed Deltas for our credit spreads, but rather utilize the data driven from our volatility algo for the specific Index (primarily SPX ).
The PVI Weekly SPX Credit Spread portfolio is up just over 47% YTD with 20 straight weeks of profits and zero drawdowns. The ranges have been breached 3 times since the start of 2021 (by an amount greater than 10 SPX points). The system is NOT designed or programed to be perfect, it is to provide us with the most competitive SPX weekly Range with the highest VALUE between Premium & Expectancy

