S&P 500


3 420
Hi guys.

Today i'm goin' to explain why i would short SPX index on 3000 points from this instance.

* Timeframe 2 weeks.

* Target 3000 index points

S&P500 is weekly oversold. We have predominant buy volume mostly.

Technically, It's also aproaching to MACD WEEKLY BEARISH CROSSOVER.

StochRSI confirms bearish momentum.

From fundamental side:

We reached PEAK of technology with 7nm technology back in 2017 which is btw used for mining bitcoin (so called " asic miners".

One technological year is equivalent to 4-5 calendar years. (We've seen for example " Intel i9 with 14nm technology" .

So from technological aspect, NASDAQ should collide too, since technological part is under their jurisdiction.

These price indexes along with imminent recession and continual pumping by FED to keep liquidity and recent pumping of additional 500 billions #USD are nothing but levitating prices of " well known indexes which are " destined" to collide 40-45% each.

Maybe it does sounds harsh, but in the last instance i would add that US economy should enter into recession on end of 2015 (October) and January/February 2016.

That was "mathematicaly" justified and " market sustainable" (stable price of an assets, commodities and so on) while being worth 1867 points.

Instead, we 've experience push by the bankers which are probably already selling their stocks and shares on very very top, therefore, i would recommend the same.

Sell your positions, go 7x-10x.

Good luck and thanks for reading.

If you have any constructive comment related with the matter, dont hesitate to ask the question.

Short to 3000 #SPX
This is US economy since 1900 till nowdays.
It's imminent, bankers could postopone, but they will give up in order to sell on top and rebuy much lower.

Once again as a reminder.
This was 5000 billion USD short as index fell from 3300 points towards 3000.
Someone please correct me if thinking opposite.

I'm glad you earned guys and whoever followed an advice and prediction posted.

Cheers guys.

