
S&P 500 -52 Weeks Highs-lows with trigger lines

Well, i was expecting more from this index with it's infamous reputation my thought were wrong unfortunately :-(

52 weeks lows 58 % success rate with 20 as THE TRIGGER LINE
52 weeks highs 55 % success rate with 59 as THE TRIGGER LINE

wish you all the best.
hey guys,

quick update. ( Trigger line changes from 20 to 40 on 52 week lows
Trigger line changes from to on 52 weeks high 59-80)
*****Increase the Trigger line from 20 to 40 on the 52 weeks low would give us almost the same success rate (57%) picking bottoms or in the way for one. GIVEING that the data from trading view is just the past three years or so i would HIGHLY RECOMEND that we pop up the Trigger line to 40. till we get more historical data
I think that would be the smart thing to do.

******* as for 52 weeks highs increasing the Trigger line to 80 (instead of 59)
gave less desirable results. (2 up swings, 1 bottom, 2 before tops !!) this is just
very risky. it is like a momentum indicator with out #s !!!

Final thoughts maybe i am dong this the wrong way or there is another way to
do it. YOU CAN SEE 52 WEEKS HIGHS & LOWS on and in every media outlet as well on every trading platform and it is mentioned by my analysts out there !! SO WE MIGHT BE MISSING SOMETHING HERE . time will till.

wish you the best.

