SPX's Elliott further one step more, what if this X is a FLAT !

Then this last leg up need to go beyond 3.25 % Expanding diagonals need to have
wave 5 > Wave 3. It is a probability that we did not see since covide's low so the
probability could be very very low non the less its "Probable" therefore we need
to take it under consideration just in case .
If this count is even remotely a possibility, then big/sharks/mkt makers & their Algos just passed W5 > W3 by lousy " 1.45" points.

- That's 139.48 for W 3 (minus) 140.69 for W 5 = 1.45.

- Dunnoo if this will even play out, seasonality + OPEX are behind us . And no catalyst in sight only good things is before us till December.
doublezigzagFLATSPX (S&P 500 Index)Wave Analysiswavex
I do more in depth studies of stocks on my twitter account. Hope you would enjoy it there as you are enjoying it here.

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